Eledá.Org Seminars

Ewé Osayín—Osayín, his gifts, and our relationship with them

Lecture 8: Herbs and the Odu Ejionle/Ejiogbe
Date: Sunday, April 8, 2018
Time: 11 AM to approximately 3 PM
Cost: $60 (in-class participation); $70 for Webex participants

Last day to register: March 31, 2018
For Olorishas Only.

This series will help the serious olorisha to establish well-founded theoretical and practical perspectives and knowledge about herbs and their usage in Lukumí Orisha Worship.

This lecture will discuss the proscriptions and prescriptions related with the Odu Ejionle/Ejiogbe and several of the Odu’s defense mechanisms through the use of herbs and ebó ewé ní l’ara—ritual or purificatory baths. Though the class will be vital for all participants interested in founding solid foundations about herbs and odu, this class will be of special interest to those olorishas who have Ejionle/Ejiogbe as their guiding odu. Don’t miss it.

Space is limited so act quickly, but please do not reserve if you are not serious about taking the class.

All those interested in participating must send register by clicking the registration link and filling out the form. You must provide your full birth and osha names, date and place of initiation, the name and contact information for TWO olorishas that can verify your status as an olorisha. References are a MUST. Without this verification, you CANNOT participate.


Once your information is verified, you will be asked to pay an initial $40.00, NON-REFUNDABLE deposit using PayPal. The balance must be paid by April 1, 2018. Failure to do so could cost you your seat in the class and the loss of your deposit.

Select the appropriate option

A new Cycle of Eleda.Org’s Video Dilogún Course begins in April 2018


Cost: $25 per class, payable in advance, on a monthly basis

If you have already COMPLETED Eleda.Org’s ordination course and have complied with all the requirements, you may register for the upcoming the Video Dilogún course.

If you have not completed your projects, hurry. The new class begins in April.

Before registering, be aware that this is not a short course. Contrary to the thinking of some olorishas, Dilogún is a complex oracle, and learning it is not a simple process. Be ready to commit for the long run or don’t register.



A new cycle of Eleda.Org’s video ordination seminar, in English, begins in April 2018.

Cost: $25 a class, payable in advance, on a monthly basis

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A new cycle of Eleda.Org’s Live ordination seminar, in English, begins March 6, 2018.

Day & Time: Tuesdays, 7:30 to 9:00 P.M., in our Westchester office

Cost: $20 a class if you participate in person; $25 a class if you participate on Webex. The dues are payable in advance, on a monthly basis

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Curso de dilogún en español, disponible para todo aquel que haya tomado nuestro seminario de la iniciación a la religión lukumí.

Comienza Marzo 7, 2018

Miércoles, de 7:30 a 9:00 P.M., en nuestra oficina en Miami

Límite: 25 personas en el aula y 10 a través de Webex.

Costo: $20.00 por clase, si la toma en vivo, o $25.00 si participa por Webex. Esta suma debe ser pagada por adelantado mensualmente, al comienzo de cada mes.

Puede participar en vivo, tanto en nuestra oficina en Miami, como por medio de Webex (debe bajar e instalar la versión gratuíta de Webex). Esto lo debe especificar al llenar la aplicación.

Este seminario cubrirá detalladamente la metodología y los procedimientos asociados con el oráculo del Dilogún, incluyendo el ebó oriaté, indispensable para todo aquel que desea conocer el Dilogún. El presente será un curso intensivo de Dilogún. Presentará al estudiante ante la materia y, a la vez, le estimulará a pensar e intentar aplicar el conocimiento adquirido a la vida moderna, de manera sensata y razonada, evitando el fanatismo que se deriva del desconocimiento y de la inescrupulosa manera en la cual algunos malemplean este valioso legado nuestro.

La presente clase requiere constancia y dedicación. Este curso no es para todo el mundo. Sólo deben aplicar aquellas personas que tengan un interés serio en el estudio de la materia y estén dispuestas a dedicar el tiempo que ésta requiere. De lo contrario, no pierda su tiempo ni tampoco el nuestro.

Todo aquel interesado en tomar la clase tiene que demostrar que ya conoce la mojuba estudiada en el seminario de iniciación. Se le pedirá que la recite, usando uno de varios medios electrónicos, lo cual se coordinará antes del comienzo de la clase.
Pulse aquí para registrase:


La registración requiere que provea su nombre, dirección, número(s) de teléfono y dirección(es) electrónica(s). Como ya han participado en nuestro seminario de iniciación, no será necesario verificar su estatus religioso. Por lo tanto, puede obviar ese requisito de la planilla.

Una vez registrado, debe proveer un depósito NO-REEMBOLSABLE de $50 a través de nuestra sección de pagos Depósito. El balance del primer mes lo debe pagar antes de Enero 2, 2018.

Oloshas United’s Texas Relief Fund Needs Our Help!

Good day!

While this weekend the rest of the country is celebrating this final reprieve before the onset of winter, there are those in Texas who are not spending it at the beach, by a pool, or preparing for a family bar-b-cue. Some of them are OUR people; Orisha devotees and followers of other African-based faiths.

OU has already received the support of many of you in our community and we appreciate the many donations from those who asked no questions other than “Where do we send our donations?” Thanks to you, we have already identified and assisted several families in distress. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Still, the job is far from done. Those who were affected by Harvey still need help. Other families have been identified, but the money we have collected can only go so far.

We need your help. Please donate to Oloshas United’s Texas Relief Fund.

Oloshas United is a 501c3 non-profit organization, duly registered with IRS. One hundred percent of the money you donate will go directly to the people in need, and your donations are tax deductible.

Kí Olorún n’agbé ó!


Iniciación a la Religión Lukumí (en español), Versión de vídeo

Sólo para olorishas lukumíes iniciados
Comienza Octubre 1, 2016
Costo: $25.00 por clase. Esta suma debe ser pagada por adelantado mensualmente, al comienzo de cada mes.

Este seminario cubrirá detalladamente los rituales de la ceremonia de iniciación lukumí, desde los pasos que anteceden las ceremonias hasta el procedimiento ritual de la salida del iyawó a la plaza del mercado a los 7 días de la iniciación.

Se ofrecerá por vía electrónica, un vídeo por semana, hasta completar la serie.

Para registrarse, pulse aquí Registración.

Debe proveer su nombre, dirección, número(s) de teléfono y dirección(es) electrónica. Además, deberá incluir el nombre y la información de contacto de sus mayores religiosos o de 2 personas reconocidas en la comunidad que puedan verificar su estatus como iniciado. Sin esta confirmación no podrá participar del seminario. Luego de obtener la respuesta a su aplicación vía email, debe postear un depósito NO REEMBOLSABLE de $50.00 que podrá pagar con su tarjeta de crédito a través de PayPal. Este depósito será aplicado al costo del primer mes de clases y le asegurará su puesto. El balance sería pagadero, a más tardar, una semana antes del comienzo del seminario.

Para registrarse, pulse aquí Registración.


A new cycle of Eleda.Org’s video ordination seminar, in English, begins in September 2017.

Cost: $25 a class, payable in advance, on a monthly basis

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Dilogún Summary Classes

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Spiritualism and its Diffusion across the Spanish Caribbean
Guest Lecturer: Ysamur Flores-Peña, PhD.
Date: April 30th—May 28th, 2017
Time: 11 am to 1 pm, EST
Cost: $150.00
Limit: 25 students

This class will meet every Sunday for four consecutive weeks, beginning on April 30. There will be no class on May 14th due to the Mother’s Day holiday.

The class will meet for four sessions and will be offered via Webex. Participants must download and subscribe to the free version of Webex that is available online. It will be available to anyone who is interested in the topic: the class is NOT exclusively for olorishas.

This seminar will provide a profound understanding of Kardecian spiritualism and its diffusion throughout the Spanish Caribbean (Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico), and other areas of Latin America. In addition, the class will discuss the encounter between Kardecian spiritualism and the Indigenous and African religious traditions it found in the Caribbean, especially the Bantú-Congo practices that were present and very influential in all three islands.

Finally, the class will review the diffusion of these traditions to the United States, brought by immigrants from these islands, beginning as early as the nineteenth century. This more recent migration has introduced Americans from all walks of life, many of whom seek responses that Western religion has not provided. In the U.S., Caribbean spiritualism not only meets the practices of its sister islands, as continues interacting with the African religions that began flourishing there in the 1960s when Cuban immigrants introduced Congo and Lukumí (Yoruba) religion.

To register, please click the following link: REGISTER. Because this is an open class, there is no need to provide references.

After filling out the form, follow this link to Eleda.Org’s “Seminars & Payments.” Once there, look for the class and post a $50 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit. The balance must be paid NO LATER than April 23rd. You may also opt to pay in full.

The week before the class, you will receive an email with a Webex link that will take you to the class. Please, it is important that you familiarize yourself with Webex before the first class, as it is impossible for Dr. Flores or any of Eleda.Org’s staff to assist you when the class starts.

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