Tami Jo Urban, Omí Lana was ordained to Yemojá in 2006. Originally from Detroit, she currently lives in Miami where she is working as a freelance artist, web developer (including Eleda.org) and tattoo artist. In addition to her full-scope commercial design services, Tami is accepting commission work for orisha and orisha-related items. The slideshow below profiles some of the work she has created. More information, her biography, resume and full body of work can be found at Tamityville.

If you would like to speak to Tami about any of her services please contact her. Email | (313) 427-9099

Este convenio es, esencialmente, una respuesta a las acciones de un grupo de practicantes de la Religión Tradicional Yoruba y bajo ningún concepto se dirige a ningún grupo específico por concepto de raza, etnicidad, nacionalidad o género. Esto es un asunto religioso—ni más ni menos—que surgió por causa de las acciones de este grupo específico—por haber re-iniciado a olorishas Lukumís—que nosotros, como comunidad legitima y establecida, consideramos una ofensa irrespetuosa a nuestro patrimonio religioso y a nuestro significado histórico en la Diáspora. Continue reading »

This agreement is, in essence, a response to the actions of a specific group of followers of Yoruba Traditional Religion and is in no way directed at any particular group on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality or gender. This is a religious issue—no more, no less—that arose because of the actions taken by this particular group—the re-ordination Lukumí olorishas—that we as a legitimate and established community consider a disrespectful affront to our religious heritage and our historical significance in the Diaspora. Continue reading »

© 2010 Eleda.org Web design and development by Tami Jo Urban Suffusion WordPress theme by Sayontan Sinha