Ilarí Obá

Hueco announces one of its most informative seminars: Ebós and ceremonies that every olorisha should know–Ayé: Feeding the earth–(for olorishas only)

Next class: Ayé: Feeding the earth, Video class
June 2, 2024
12 p.m- (approx.) 3 p.m., EST
Cost: $100.00
Registration deadline: May 25th, 2024

You will not want to miss these classes!

The next class will discuss the traditional Lukumí Ayé feeding ceremony (la comida a la tierra) and the variants that have arisen. It will take place on Sunday, June 2, 2024, starting at Noon, EST.

If you are truly interested in learning and developing as an ethical and well-grounded priest or priestess, this series of classes will be vital to that advancement.

This class will be open to any olorisha who can provide proper references of olorishas who can attest to their ordination. To apply, please click the following link: Ebós and Ceremonies REGISTRATION

Once your participation has been approved, you will receive an email notification, the class participation agreement, and the request for the NON-REFUNDABLE $50.00 deposit. The Balance must be paid by May 25th. You can also opt to pay the $100.00 cost of the class in full. This will ensure your place in the class.DO NOT PAY UNTIL you have received the approval notification.

Zelle is the preferred payment method. Zelle you payment to: If Zelle is not possible, go to’s website ( and click the “Seminars & Payments” link that appears on the top left of the home page. That will take you to another page. Scroll until you find the class and select the appropriate option.

If you are truly interested in learning and developing as an ethical and well-grounded priest or priestess, this series of classes will be vital to that advancement.


Seminario: Iniciación a la religión Lukumí (Versión de video)
Sólo para olorishas lukumíes iniciados
Comienza Junio 1ro, 2024
Costo: $25.00 por clase. Esta suma debe ser pagada por adelantado mensualmente, al comienzo de cada mes.

Este seminario cubrirá detalladamente los rituales de la ceremonia de iniciación lukumí, desde los pasos que anteceden las ceremonias hasta el procedimiento ritual de la salida del iyawó a la plaza del mercado a los 7 días de la iniciación.

Se ofrecerá por vía electrónica, un vídeo por semana, hasta completar la serie.

Para registrarse, pulse aquí Registración.

Debe proveer su nombre, dirección, número(s) de teléfono y dirección(es) electrónica. Además, deberá incluir el nombre y la información de contacto de sus mayores religiosos o de 2 personas reconocidas en la comunidad que puedan verificar su estatus como iniciado. Sin esta confirmación no podrá participar del seminario. Luego de obtener la respuesta a su aplicación vía email, debe postear un depósito NO REEMBOLSABLE de $50.00 que podrá pagar con su tarjeta de crédito a través de PayPal. Este depósito será aplicado al costo del primer mes de clases y le asegurará su puesto. El balance sería pagadero, a más tardar, Mayo 25, 2024.

Último día para registrarse: Mayo. 15, 2024



A new cycle of Eleda.Org’s video ordination seminar, in English, begins June 1, 2024.

Cost: $25 a class, payable in advance, on a monthly basis.

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Orí Cover Final

Orí Eledá Mí Ó…If My Head Does Not Sell Me, by Miguel W. Ramos

Our readers are talking:

“… overflowing with knowledge about our tradition—absolutely amazing! Mo dupe-oooo for the dedication of your time and ashe to providing this for us. May Egun and the Orisha bless you with abundantly.
Huberta Jackson-Lowman, Olobatala”

“I bought the book with the idea that you were writing about Orí, but I now see that it is about much more than that. This book is about Orisha religion! This is probably one of the best reference books about the religion that I have seen. Thank you for making this very valuable information available to orisha people.
J. Rodriguez, Oló Obatalá”

“Woah! I see your vision in just the first several pages of this book and I hope and pray that one day this book will be the reference source book like that of Butler’s Lives of the Saints and other books! It is very reminiscent of a Physicians Desk Reference, a sort of one stop look here! Having grown up in organized religion this book is a wonderful map for me!
S. Evans, Oní Yemojá”

Order yours today!




International Shipping

Seminario: La importancia de la cabeza y la ceremonia del eborí (rogación de cabeza) Lukumí

Enero 28, 12 p.m.— 4 p.m.
Washington D.C. e inmediaciones
Costo: $125 presentará esta importante clase que explica la importancia de la cabeza y los conceptos teológicos asociados con su esta tan delicada fase de la espiritualidad y personalidad del lukumí. Además, la clase describirá el ritual del eborí, comúnmente conocido como “rogación de cabeza”, y más importante aún, su significado.

No se pierda esta clase que le ayudará a comprender mejor su religiosidad e iniciación en la fe lukumí. Pulse el enlace y regístrese para este importante seminario: Registración.


Orí Eledá Mí Ó…If My Head Does Note Sell Me

By Obá Miguel W. Ramos, Ilarí Obá, PhD.

$49.99 + $8.50 Shipping

Orí Cover Final

The long-awaited translation and expanded edition of the Spanish-language Orí Eledá mí ó…Si mi cabeza no me vende. The book provides the reader with vital information about the significance of the head in Orisha Religion, in Yorubaland and the Diaspora. The author compares the rites and wisdom of the three major Orisha centers–Yorubaland, Cuba, and Brazil. In addition, the book contains much historical and ritual data that will afford modern-day olorishas with considerable knowhow and understanding about the numerous complexities of Orisha religion. Readers have referred to the Spanish version of the book as “…a small encyclopedia of Orisha religion.”

Pre-release ordering is now available. All books ordered before the official release of the book will be autographed by the author and sent on the very first day. Reserve yours now.



Orí Eledá Mí Ó…If My Head Does Note Sell Me
By Obá Miguel W. Ramos, Ilarí Obá, PhD.

$49.99 + $40.00 Shipping


International Shipping

Eshu3 announces one of its most informative seminars: Ebós and ceremonies that every olorisha should know (for olorishas only)–Los Collares/The Ilekés

Next class: Los collares: The Traditional Lukumí Ileké Ceremony, Video class
December 10, 2023
12 p.m- (approx.) 3 p.m., EST
Cost: $100.00
Registration deadline: December 1st, 2023

You will not want to miss these classes!

The next class will discuss the traditional Lukumí ileké ceremony and the variants that have arisen. It will take place on Sunday, December 10, 2023, starting at Noon, EST.

If you are truly interested in learning and developing as an ethical and well-grounded priest or priestess, this series of classes will be vital to that advancement.

This class will be open to any olorisha who can provide proper references of olorishas who can attest to their ordination. To apply, please click the following link: Ebós and Ceremonies REGISTRATION

Once your participation has been approved, you will receive an email notification, the class participation agreement, and the request for the NON-REFUNDABLE $50.00 deposit. The Balance must be paid by December 1st. You can also opt to pay the $100.00 cost of the class in full. This will ensure your place in the class.DO NOT PAY UNTIL you have received the approval notification.

Zelle is the preferred payment method. Zelle you payment to: If Zelle is not possible, go to’s website ( and click the “Seminars & Payments” link that appears on the top left of the home page. That will take you to another page. Scroll until you find the class and select the appropriate option.

If you are truly interested in learning and developing as an ethical and well-grounded priest or priestess, this series of classes will be vital to that advancement.


Sólo para olorishas lukumíes iniciados
Comienza Octubre 1ro, 2023
Costo: $25.00 por clase. Esta suma debe ser pagada por adelantado mensualmente, al comienzo de cada mes.

Este seminario cubrirá detalladamente los rituales de la ceremonia de iniciación lukumí, desde los pasos que anteceden las ceremonias hasta el procedimiento ritual de la salida del iyawó a la plaza del mercado a los 7 días de la iniciación.

Se ofrecerá por vía electrónica, un vídeo por semana, hasta completar la serie.

Para registrarse, pulse aquí Registración.

Debe proveer su nombre, dirección, número(s) de teléfono y dirección(es) electrónica. Además, deberá incluir el nombre y la información de contacto de sus mayores religiosos o de 2 personas reconocidas en la comunidad que puedan verificar su estatus como iniciado. Sin esta confirmación no podrá participar del seminario. Luego de obtener la respuesta a su aplicación vía email, debe postear un depósito NO REEMBOLSABLE de $50.00 que podrá pagar con su tarjeta de crédito a través de PayPal. Este depósito será aplicado al costo del primer mes de clases y le asegurará su puesto. El balance sería pagadero, a más tardar, Septiembre 22, 2023.

Último día para registrarse: Sept. 15, 2023



A new cycle of Eleda.Org’s video ordination seminar, in English, begins October 1, 2023.

Cost: $25 a class, payable in advance, on a monthly basis.

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Obí Divination, Video class (in English)


Sunday, May 21, 2023
12 p.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m.
Cost: $75

Eleda.Org will be offering the video version of its workshop on Obí divination in English for Lukumí olorishas and aleyos. If you’re interested in participating, you must reserve as soon as possible. Click here to register for the workshop: Obi Divination

Please provide your full name, address, email address, telephone numbers and two verifiable references. Once approved, you will be sent the course description and necessary document, plus the class agreement. You’ll have to sign and return that agreement for the final approval. Then, you must Zelle your dues to: This will ensure your participation in the workshop. If you do not have access to Zelle, you may PayPal your dues through’s website, clicking the “Add to Cart” button that appears below:


We recommend that you purchase and read Obí Agbón: Lukumí Divination with Coconut by Miguel Willie Ramos, available through &

To order, click the link that appears below.

Continue reading »

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