Ilarí Obá

Nos unimos al dolor de los familiares y omorishas de Alvinho de Omolú, Gibanawé, ante su dolorosa pérdida. Alvinho falleció este domingo, 20 de julio y fue sepultado el martes 22. Alvinho fue una persona muy importante dentro del ámbito religioso del Candomblé en Río de Janeiro. Tuve el privilegio de conocerlo y de tratar con él. En el 2007, viajé a Brasil a hacer algunas ceremonias en su terreiro. De seguro su muerte dejará un gran vacío en la vida de miles de personas que llegaron a depender de él y de su sabiduría. Su axexé (ceremonial fúnebre) se llevará a cabo los días 2 y 3 de agosto.

We join the family and omorishas of Alvinho de Omolú, Gibanawé, before this painful period as they bear this great loss. Alvinho passed away this Sunday, July 20th, and was laid to rest on Tuesday the 22nd. Alvinho was a very important individual In the Candomblé religious community in Río de Janeiro. I had the privilege of meeting him and was blessed by our friendship. In 2007, I traveled to Brazil to undergo several ceremonies in his terreiro. Surely, his death will leave a great void in the lives of thousands of people that grew to depend on him and his wisdom. His axexé (funerary rites) will take place on the 2nd and 3rd of August.

Ibá é l’ayén t’orún Gibanawé.

Miami, Florida

Es con gran tristeza que reportamos la muerte de un buen amigo y un gran ser humano, Alfredo Cabañas, Okántomí. Las palabras no logran reflejar el sentir humano debidamente en momentos como estos cuando surge una pérdida de gran magnitud. Por lo tanto, sólo pedimos al cielo que le acoja en su seno y a su orisha tutelar, Oshún, que como madre que ella es, le acompañe a su destino al pie de Olodumare y a la vez de a su madre y sus seres queridos la fortaleza necesaria para atravesar por este tormentoso momento. Ibá é l’ayé ntorún Okántomí.

It is with great sadness that we report on the death of a good friend and a great human being, Alfredo Cabañas, Okántomí. Words cannot adequately reflect human feelings during moments such as these upon suffering a loss of such magnitude. As such, we will simply beseech the heavens to receive him in its arms and that his tutelary orisha, Oshún, in her motherly and nurturing manner, accompanies him to the foot of Olodumare while she provides his mother and loved ones with the fortitude that they will need to live through this difficult moment. Ibá é l’ayé ntorún Okántomí.

Miami, Florida

Extendemos nuestro más sentido pesáme a la familia y a los omorishas de Onelia Fernández, Omí Saidé quien falleció el 3 de junio en Miami. Omí Saidé fue la madrina del Obá Pedro Lázaro Alfaro, Shangó Larí. Que en paz descanse. Ibá é l’ayént’orún Omí Saidé.

We extend our most sincere condolences to the family and omorishas of Onelia Fernández, Omí Saidé, who passed away June 3, in Miami. Omí Saidé was the godmother of Obá Pedro Lázaro Alfaro, Shangó Larí. May she rest in peace. Ibá é l’ayént’orún Omí Saidé.

Miami, Florida

La comunidad Lukumí de Miami se entristece con la pérdida del Obá Lázaro Ramos, Okandenijé, quien falleció anoche a las 9:00 pm. Okandenijé fue ahijado de una de las oloshas más conocidas y respetadas de la época revolucionaria, la llamada “chinita de Estevez,” Oshún Miwá. Lázaro fue un buen amigo durante muchos años, con el cual compartí momentos agradables y difíciles. La muerte de Okandenijé será motivo de tristeza para sus seres queridos y omorisha a los cuales le extendemos nuestro más sentido pésame. Que Olorún lo reciba en su divino seno. Ibá é l’ayént’orún Okandenijé.

The Lukumí community in Miami is saddened by the loss of Obá Lázaro Ramos, Okandenijé, who passed away last night at 9:00 pm. Okandenijé was ordained by one of the most famous and respected oloshas from the era of the Cuban Revolution, known endearingly as “la chinita de Estevez,” Oshún Miwá. Lázaro was a good friend for many years with whom I shared good times as well as difficult ones. Okandenijé’s death will surely represent a difficult moment for his loved ones and omorishas, to whom we extend our most heartfelt condolences. May Olorún receive him in his divine realm. Ibá é l’ayént’orún Okandenijé.

Con gran dolor y tristeza, reportamos la muerte del gran babalawo, Roberto Boluffer, Ogundá’lení, quien falleció ayer, agosto 3, en Puerto Rico. Bobby, como lo conocimos todos, fue un gran ser humano, un magnánimo amigo, un esposo y padre ejemplar y dedicado; y sobre todo, Bobby fue uno de los más grandiosos y talentosos babalawos de le diáspora lukumí. Su afán en dar a respetar la religión lukumí en su tierra adoptada, y por ende en la diáspora, no tiene paralelo. Como religioso, nunca titubeo en ofrecer su mano al necesitado, y en decir presente ante las crisis que enfrentaron su familia, sus ahijados, sus compadres, sus amigos, y hasta aquellos que por cosas de la vida quizás hayan tenido diferencias con él. Bobby siempre estuvo presente y preparado a dar el frente para todos sin distinción. Lamentablemente, es bien sabido que todo gran ser humano siempre enfrenta obstáculos de diversas formas y maneras. No es menos cierto que Bobby también los encontró, e indudablemente sufrió grandes dolores y desengaños; pero siempre “bregó con la situación,” como solía decir, y continuó su misión con honradez y dedicación. Quizás este sea el mayor legado que Ogundá’lení le deja a nuestra comunidad. Quieran Olodumaré, Orúnmilá y los orishas que durante nuestra guardia surjan otros olorishas y babalawos como Bobby Boluffer. Indudablemente, el mismo futuro de nuestra forma de vida depende de la religiosidad, valentía y perseverancia de personas como él, quienes supieron enaltecer el nombre de nuestra religión sin tener la más mínima pretensión de superioridad y más importante aun, sin esperar recompensa alguna. Quiera el cielo que nazcan otros individuos dotados, seres especiales como Bobby quienes mantengan nuestras tradiciones y respeten nuestra fe sin quebrantar nuestro legado ancestral y salgan a la vanguardia de este para defenderlo de las grandes alteraciones de esta que se están manifestando en la actualidad. Extendemos nuestro más sentido pésame a su familia y ahijados. Sabemos que no habrá manera alguna de llenar el vacío que esta pérdida dejará en sus vidas. Que Olodumaré les de el sosiego necesario para atravesar este momento tan difícil. Ibá é layén t’orún oré’mí Ogundá’lení.

We want to join the community in offering our condolences upon the loss of Roberto Boluffer, Ogunda Leni, who passes away on the 03rd of August, 2007. Please read the tribute to Padrini “Bobby” by Kathryn Forestal, Oni Yemoja. This written tribute includes biographical and spiritual information that is intended to inform that public on what a kind man he was and how he enriched the lives of many.

Read tribute.

Ibá é layén t’orún Ogunda Leni.

My Padrino: A Tribute
Olorisha Oní Yemojá Kathryn Forestal, Yomí Yomí

Orun a n’ile, Aiye l’oja – Heaven is home. Earth is the marketplace.

On August 3, 2007, the Lukumi spiritual Ifa leader, Omo Odun, Roberto Boluffer, Ogunda Leni, made his transition. He was an octogenarian, who was born in Santa Clara, Cuba. During that time, he achieved countless spiritual accomplishments. Oluwo Boluffer was one of the first to make Ifa in the U.S., brought the Ifa system to Puerto Rico and established cultural recognition. Ogunda Leni initiated over eighty Ifa ceremonies, established several spiritual houses in Puerto Rico, the U.S. and was establishing a new branch in Venezuela. Roberto Boluffer implemented government recognition for Ifa priests to be allowed to practice and receive consultations within the penal institutions of Puerto Rico. There are a multitude of testimonies on websites praising his greatness and honoring him. These are my personal memories of Padrino Bobby, and an account of how he enriched my life.

In the early 1990’s, I first traveled to Puerto Rico. My godmother was born in Puerto Rico, but she was living in Chicago. On many occasions, she spoke of how prominent her padrino was in the Ifa and Santeria community. Like most of us, we think our godparents are the best, so I listened to her praises with a grain of salt. Fortunately, I discovered that her praises were to be true. My friend and I were vacationing in P.R., and I wanted to meet him and pay my respects. We rented a car and drove up to Tintillo Hills. As we entered the area, a security guard announced us and then passed us through the gate; impressed were we two tourists. When the electric gates opened to his house, it felt like we were entering a movie star’s house. Our eyes first gazed to the right; he had a collection of exotic animals; peacocks, monkeys and deer, and to the left, his orisa house where he did all his Ifa and orisa ceremonies. Directly in front of his family house, a statue of St. Francis Assisi stood in a fountain. At this point, my heart started to beat rapidly, as I was nervous and apprehensive to meet such a distinguished figure. How would I greet this spiritual royalty?

As we waited quietly outside of his office, there was a group of people also waiting for a consultation. After thirty minutes, the door flew open, and I heard rapid steps. There stood a man in a white T-shirt, blue jeans, white cowboy boots and huge steel rimmed glasses; he was shorter than I imagined; however, he towered in stature. He ordered his godson to bring him certain spiritual items. Responding quickly, his godson did not hesitate to grant his requests, for there stood a leader, a king, like his spiritual father, Chango.

Coyly, wearing a red dress, I introduced myself. Padrino teased,” You’re wearing red like an apple, and you look good enough to eat.” He asked me to wait a little longer and then brought me in for a consultation. Within minutes, he read my life situation, my problems and their solutions. I envisioned him to be an aloof elder. Instead, he was a commanding figure who welcomed me and charged me nothing, except a hamburger. He asked me to buy him one when he visited Chicago. Unfortunately, I never had the honor to pay my debt. Not only was he ruggedly handsome, but hip; a characteristic that I didn’t expect from a spiritual elder. From that point, he became my Padrino Bobby, and I became his godchild and devotee.

Over the subsequent years, I would return to Puerto Rico and visit him. Without exception, I learned something every time we had a discussion; he was the Wikipedia of Ifa. Padrino Bobby was passionate about Ifa, and he studied voraciously. His interpretation of the Odus and their relationship to modern times was uncanny. He studied, calculated and identified the interrelated systems of Science and Math with Ifa. Teaching about Ifa was truly a joy for him and lecturing to enthusiastic students was his reward. Ogunda Leni was a scholar with celestial credentials who continued to seek knowledge and share it.

Five years after our initial meeting, I made Ocha in Puerto Rico. Padrino Bobby brought five of his godsons, to assist with my matanza. So much was happening in the Room that I’ve forgotten a large part of the ceremony, except his entrance. When he entered, the santeras became silent. He briskly entered the Room, like the commander and chief, and assigned various duties to each godson. They performed my matanza with reverence, precision and organization. He proceeded to recite the ritual prayers and perform his duties like a master, with Orunmila and Ogun guiding his hands. Upon completion, he exited with his thunderbolt Chango energy, like a king with his knights marching behind him. How blessed I was to have his ashe consecrate my initiation.

What I cherished most about him was his generous nature and kind heart. Although I lived a long distance from him, never once did he refuse to help me. Padrino Bobby demonstrated his love for me, in many ways. Once while making a return visit, I had requested a consultation. That weekend, he was doing four Ifa ceremonies. When I arrived at his house, he was in the middle of the ceremonies. He came out of the Room and saw me waiting for him. Padrino announced to everyone that he was taking a break, so to give me a reading. Ogunda Leni had an embracing quality; he made people feel loved and special.

Recently, a wise Awo who had lost his godfather last year reminded me that we now have someone who can speak for us in heaven; who will transcend time and space and be with us anytime. One of the definition’s of a king is, “A principal man or preeminent male figure in a specific sphere; an outstanding and independent man with complete power.” Padrino Bobby Boluffer was a king, who ruled with the staff of Orunmila and bestowed spiritual riches throughout the world. We should not mourn; for he is returning home, to rule in another kingdom. In his memory, let us unite and love one another, as the moving sea between the shores of our souls.

We want to join the community in offering our condolences upon the loss of Obá Oriaté Rafael Cantero, Moboshadé, who passed away on the 6th of June, 2007. Since his arrival in 1980, Moboshadé worked with the Orisha community in New York and surrounding states, and was widely respected for his ashé. Ibá é layén t’orún Moboshadé.

Es con gran pena en mi corazón que escribo este pésame a la familia de mi querida comadre y gran amiga Elisa Rodríguez, Efún Muyiwá, quien falleció el día 8 de marzo. En mi vida he conocido y tratado con muchísimas personas, pero en muy raras ocasiones he conocido a una persona tan buena y noble, tan llena de cariño y de calor humano como mi comadre, mi “comaí”, Elisa. Nunca la vi enojada. Nunca le escuché decir nada negativo ni expresarse mal de nadie. Al contrario. Para Elisa todo el mundo era bueno; toda persona poseía características positivas; y todo el mundo, por más irremediable que fuesen para otros, para mi comadre siempre eran dignos de una oportunidad más. Por más difícil que fuese, ella siempre buscaba el lado positivo. Daba aliento, esperanza y apoyo incondicional, cosa que hizo con sus hijos en los momentos más difíciles de la enfermedad que se los robó; con su marido durante una de muchas crisis que atravesaron, y siempre juntos, enamorados hasta el final; con sus omorishas, los cuales no fueron muchos pero sin lugar a dudas, privilegiados y benditos por haber tenido unas manos tan agraciadas tocándoles sus cabezas. Son muy pocas las personas con las cuales topamos en la vida que dejan huellas tan profundas como las que indudablemente dejó mi comadre en la vida de todos los que tuvimos el privilegio de conocerla. Indiscutiblemente, dejará un hueco muy profundo en la vida de todos nosotros que nunca se podrá rellenar a que las personas como Elisa no nacen todos los días, y creo que pasaran muchísimos días, semanas, meses, años o siglos antes que vuelva a nacer otra Elisa. Ibá é layén t’orún Efún Muyiwá.

Es con gran peso que reporto la muerte de Mimí Masferrer, quien falleció en Miami hoy. Okandenijé posiblemente era una de las pioneras de Miami, y era una de las mayores olorishas de esta ciudad, contando con un sin-número de omorishas. Fue iniciada en Cuba por Celia “la millonaria” González, Ogún Niké. Extendemos nuestro pesame a sus familiares y omorishas. Ibá é layén t’orún Okandenijé.

Río de Janeiro. Falleció el destacado babalorisha, Waldomiro Costa Pinto, mejor conocido como Bahiano. Iniciado en la tradición Efón, Bahiano era omó de Shangó y posiblemente el mayor olorisha de Brasil. Cuentan sus descendientes que era un gran historiador de las tradiciones brasileñas. Ibá é layén t’orún Bahiano de Xangó!

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