Omí Rolá’s rebuttal

Mr. Carrazana:

I find your position to be arrogant and disrespectful. I would never presume to tell you how to practice your religion, which I admittedly know nothing about, and would demand the same courtesy from you.

I read the Accord that was signed by our Oriates and I endorsed it. Why? For me it is simple, I am a member of the Lucumi religion and do not wish to be converted, have my initiation remedied or any other such nonsense. I would no sooner accept a born again Christian trying to convert a member of our house than I would a member of your religion.

A point you do seem very unclear on is the difference between receiving an Orisha/ritual from another religious group and being re-ordained. There is a major difference in our way of thinking. If you chose to be re-ordained into another religion, then I agree that you should go and enjoy that religion and the repercussions are between you and God; but you have forfeit your right to practice our religion.

You asked who appointed the Oriates to speak for us? Let me answer that for you. We, the Lucumi community did. They are our elders, those we seek out for advice and guidance.

In the continued effort of full disclosure, Willie Ramos shaved me 10 years ago. I am a white girl from Michigan who is not involved in your day to day politics but committed to keeping our traditions alive and well.

Omí Rolá