We can all attest to the fact that things are not done the way they used to be done. Many changes reflect the conditions we've encountered in adaptation of Orisha tradition to the Americas and beyond, and many just reflect lack of knowledge of actual traditions themselves. Reclaiming tradition while embracing new realities, the revised version of Adimú has broken new ground in written works dedicated to Orisha tradition in an effort to preserve those traditions among the growing number of practitioners who must adapt to the practice as well as the culture that informs Orisha tradition. The book is written well within the culinary cultural context which informs it. The food is prepared for taste through these recipes, drawing upon generations of Alashes that informed Willie's understanding of the important and sacred space that the kitchen occupies in Lukumi tradition. This is often overlooked and undervalued. Any experienced practitioner knows that if the kitchen is in chaos, the ceremonies may also suffer the same fate. Also, the list of adimus for each Orisha is comprehensive, clear and an excellent guide for practitioners, making the book a valuable resource.
Deidra Somerville PHD, MSW